Common questions.
Do I have to pay for use of Robot ? Versions of Calculus Robot avalilable at section Open Source are distribiuted for free and can be used for free. Versions of Calculus Robot avalilable at section Shop are paid ones.
How can I specify Lot size for Trades ? Before compiling and running Robot, Lot size for Trades can be specified in Config.h file with constant "const double CConfig::LotSize = 0.01;", after running Robot Lot size can be changed for any following new Trade in file "ConfigurationVaribles.txt" with field "LotSize:0.0100000".
How can I specify Trade Length ? Average Trade Length can be specified in file Config.h with constant "const double CConfig::PercentageOfChange = 0.003;", which with it's Default value results in Trades lenght around 10-12 hours on Average.
Can I add or remove Symbols from Watch Window before re-running the Robot ? When contents of Symbols in Watch Window is changed there is need to remove all files from [MQL4|MQL5]\Files directory.